2005 Year in Review

The true highlights for 2005 are pretty easy:  Harry and Della's wedding, Harry's Christening, Logan's birth, and the arrival of Lilianna.  But that doesn't mean that the rest of the year didn't have it's other memorable points.  We had out fight with City Council over the mural and Mr. Ed that attracted national attention.  Bobbie competed in the National Crossword Championships while Dan ended up at a Fetish Convention (which attracted more than our share of e-mails!).

We spent less time at the river this year, but still managed to have fun at the various parties there.  A new jet ski proved to be really fun but Daniel is still recovering from his injuries of what he considers fun!

Travel was wide-ranging with Bobbie making two trips to Maui and Dan making two trips to Europe.  From sitting on the beach to walking Stonehenge we ended up with a nice mix.

When it came to racing this was Bobbie's second year and she kept her string up of never finishing last.  For Harry and Dan, the arrival of the really fast Daytona Coupe was a big deal.  The car was fast, but we proved we still have some things to get worked out as we blew up the engine in the two races it was designed for.  In the Cobra, Team Elam managed a second place season finish in the MidAtlantic and third place in the East Coast.  But when the National Championship rolled around we blew up the engine.

At the little www.elams.org web site continued to grow - averaging almost 35,000 hits per day.

All in all 2005 was certainly a year we won't forget.  It was a year filled with happiness and love.  No year is perfect, but this one lacked some of the sorrow from previous years.  2005 was very good to us.